Why wear a uniform?
Wearing uniforms has been a method of the Scouting movement from the beginning. Decades of experience show uniforming to have many benefits, including equality, identification, achievement and commitment. For these reasons, among others, all parents should emphasize to their Scouts the importance of wearing the correct and complete uniform on all suitable occasions.
What does the uniform consist of?
The BSA website provides information and examples of the uniforms: http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/home/cubscouts/parents/awards/parents.aspx
approximate cost of a new "Class A" uniform, patches and handbook is about $60.00. The Detroit Area Council of Boy Scouts of America also has a program of uniform donations through which items may be available (inquire at the Scout Shop). The uniform and certain items you will need are dependent on your Cub Scout's grade level. The uniform and required patches will be discussed at the first meeting. Also, the Scout Shop (see below) employees are very knowledgeable about the uniform and patches you will need and it is recommended that you consult with them. The uniform consists of:
· The official BSA Cub Scout shirt (blue for Tigers, Wolves and Bears; tan for all Webelos)
· The Unit (Pack) Designation patch (red and white, 1703) [*Our Pack provides this patch to you.]
· The Den number patch [*Our Pack provides this patch to you.]
· The "Detroit Area Council" patch
· The purple and white "World Crest" patch
· Cub Scout belt and buckle (optional)
· Cub Scout neckerchief and slide (the type and color depends on your Cub Scout's grade level)
· Cub Scout cap (the color depends on your Cub Scout's grade level)
· Cub Scout pants (optional)
A "Class B" uniform is a Cub Scouts t-shirt of any kind, also available at the Scout Shop.
Where can the uniform and handbook be purchased?
The Troy Scout Shop has all of these items and is located at 1155 East Long Lake Rd., just east of Rochester Rd. More information about the store including hours and directions can be found on their Web site at http://www.michiganscouting.org/Contact
Troy Scout Shop
1155 East Long Lake Rd.
Troy, MI 48085
There is also a shop in Detroit located at:
Dauch Scout Center
1776 West Warren Avenue
(2 blocks west of Turnbull)
Detroit, MI
Alternatively, you can order online from the BSA retail store at ScoutStuff.Org.
Can the Pack donate old uniforms to new Cub Scouts?
Upon joining the Pack, you can use the e-mail broadcase system to send an e-mail out to everyone asking for families to donate uniform items to you. While the shirt is personal to the Cub Scout and is not a good candidate for donation, all other items can be donated such as hats, neckerchiefs, slides, socks, etc.
If you have any questions, please click on the "Contact our Pack" link above.