Troop Organization
Patrols are the building blocks of Scouting. As a member of a patrol, you plan together, learn together, and all of you pitch in to turn exciting plans into action. Patrols, generally made up of 6-8 boys, are such an important part of Scouting that a part of each troop meeting is usually set aside for each patrol to meet by itself, called Patrol Corners. Every patrol has a name and every Scout in the patrol wears a patch on their right sleeve with their patrol's emblem. Each patrol has a flag they make that they carry at troop meetings and at campouts. Every patrol has a yell, too. You give the yell when your patrol wins a contest or performs well at any other event.
Your patrol will elect one of its members to serve a patrol leader. The patrol leader is in charge of the patrol at troop meetings and during outdoor adventures, and he represents the patrol on the patrol leaders' council. While there is only one patrol leader, every member of a patrol shares the duties of leadership. You could be the one who finds the way on a hike, who is the chief cook in camp, or who teaches other Scouts how to tie a knot.
The New Scout Patrol is a group of boys who have just become Scouts. They are helped by a troop guide -- an older, experienced Scout who can show the way. Members of a New Scout Patrol choose their patrol leader, plan what they want to do, and take part in outings and troop meetings just like any patrol. They also learn the basic skills they need in order to enjoy hiking, camping, and other Scout adventures. Before long, members of a New Scout Patrol will discover that they are passing many of the requirements for the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class.
Senior Patrol Leader. This is the top boy leader of a troop and is elected by all of the Scouts. With guidance from the Scoutmaster, he is in charge of troop meetings and the patrol leaders' council, and does all he can to see that the patrols succeed.
Patrol Leaders Council. The activities of your troop are planned by a patrol leaders council (PLC) made up of your patrol leaders, senior patrol leader, Scoutmaster, and other troop leaders. The PLC discusses future meetings and outings for the whole troop. Your patrol leader's responsibility is to share the ideas that have come from you and other Scouts in your patrol to the PLC and to report back decisions made by the PLC back to you and the patrol.
Scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster is the main adult leader of your troop. He is in charge of training the Senior Patrol Leader, advising the Patrol Leaders' Council, meeting with each boy as they are ready for advancement (Scoutmaster Conference), and directing the activities of the various Assistant Scoutmasters.
Troop Meetings. Unlike Cub Scout packs, most troops meet every week of the school year. Troop 3 meets every Thursday (whenever school is in session) from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Connexion Church. In addition, there may be separate patrol meetings to prepare for an activity, such as building a Klondike Derby sled, a monthly outdoor activity such as a campout, and a number of service projects.